Tag Archives: Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi

Jason Zweig’s New Column on Facebook’s Valuation

The WSJ published today another excellent Intelligent Investor column by Jason Zweig. Today’s piece was on the lure of high-growth, publicly-traded companies (“Glamour Stocks” as Lakonishok, et al. described them) and the probable investor disappointment with Glamour Stocks’ returns. Today’s … Continue reading

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Invert, Always Invert

Update 6/26/2020: Welcome to the readers of Ozan Varol’s book, Think Like a Rocket Scientist. I don’t know Ozal, but he referenced a blogpost of mine from 2011 in his footnotes for chapter 5 (footnote 47). Thank you Ozal. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1541762592/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 … Continue reading

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