Tag Archives: Euro Crisis

“It’s a Disaster, the United States…” Kyle Bass

Bass’s usual upbeat outlook on Japan, Europe and the US as broadcast on BNN today. I wish the interviewers would have allowed Bass to fully answer their questions. They cut him off too many times to ask a new question in the … Continue reading

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Counterfactual Friday: Fifty-Year Market Veteran Feels Like a Kid in a Candy Store

Joe Rosenberg has been investing for the Loews family in one capacity or another for almost fifty years. He said in today’s Barron’s that this is the best large cap, US equity investment opportunity he has seen in a long time. … Continue reading

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Recent Headlines from a Popular News Aggregator

Recent headlines from a popular news aggregation website: Germany told it must act to save Europe… Impassioned plea for continent to avoid ‘apocalypse’… Warned of ‘highly devastating outcomes’… Just days until collapse? It is hard to believe the US market … Continue reading

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Kyle Bass on Japan and Europe at a Darden School Conference

Michael Lewis opens his latest book, Boomerang, which can be found in the bookstore above, with a vignette about his meeting in 2008 with Kyle Bass of Hayman Capital. He left the meeting thinking that Bass was a bit of … Continue reading

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It’s 1931

I channel Dow Jones Market Talk, which channels Brad DeLong, who channels Rogoff, Reinhart, and Krugman. MARKET TALK: It’s 1931 DOW JONES NEWSWIRES 5:20 (Dow Jones) “I have been complaining for some time now that Reinhart and Rogoff think that … Continue reading

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Mr. Market Yawns at G-20 Failure to Fix Europe’s Problems

In the last 45 minutes of trading on October 4, the US stock market shot up almost 4% on a rumor that France and Germany would talk about a plan for the Euro debt crisis. Since then European leaders have met several … Continue reading

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Capital Economics on the Bailout’s Fanciful Notion

Interesting DJ Newsire Market Talk story: DOW JONES NEWSWIRES 1:04 (Dow Jones) “Even if the Greek referendum problem is ironed out, hopes within the euro-zone that governments from outside the region will contribute to an increase in the ‘firepower’ of the … Continue reading

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Credit Default Swaps and “Credit Events”

In my old job where we acted as sellers of protection in credit default swaps (more often than as buyers, anyway), we used to fight like hell to ensure that any restructuring of bank loans was not considered a “credit event” … Continue reading

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