Tag Archives: Jeremy Grantham

The Market and the Economy Mid-Year 2014: A Top-Down View

I have excerpted part of PAR’s semi-annual letter that PAR sent to clients on July 7, 2014, and I have pasted it below. No one knows where the market is going to end up in the near term, but over the … Continue reading

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Howard Marks on Risk (in Jason Zweig’s 2/12 Intelligent Investor Column) and Montier on the Risk and Return Characteristics of Value vs. Growth Companies

Howard Marks had been writing outstanding letters to his investors for years. I have read almost every one of his letters since and found that they are filled with fantastic investing common sense. Howard Marks has also been delivering great … Continue reading

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Historical Market Returns by Year (1825 – 2010)

I first saw the Friess Associates and Yale University market return histogram a few years ago and found it fascinating. Barring a large collapse on the last trading day of the year tomorrow, the returns on the S&P 500 (the … Continue reading

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An Interview with Jeremy Grantham

Jeremy Grantham of GMO is an exceptional big thinker on markets. I think bottom-up investing makes the most sense, but Grantham always makes us think when he speaks about macro events. I had the good fortune of sitting in the … Continue reading

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